Grass finished Meats

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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 2938

  • Added: January 8, 2019

  • Location: United States

  • State: Missouri

  • Views: 3658

  • Price is per: Price is per


Our beeves and lamb are raised on pasture their whole life. We do not forcibly, wean them early from their mothers, so they get to drink milk much longer than commercially raised beef. Their diet consists of what they would naturally eat in the pasture along with kelp, a mineral mix, and salt. We never give them antibiotics, hormones or chemical wormers. Nor do we spray chemicals or poisons in our pastures. While not certified organic, we use organic practices. Our cows and sheep get a salad bar of forage to eat rather than a monoculture of just grass. In addition to several varieties of grass, we have several types of clover, lespedeza and other plants in our fields. We raise our beef the way you would raise them if you could.