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Ad ID: 8228
Added: July 29, 2022
Location: United States
State: Oklahoma
Views: 1210
Weaving 201: September 8 & 9, 2022, Thursday & Friday
Weaving 301: September 8, 9 & 10, 2022, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Weaving 201: Table Loom Weaving is a two-day class. You will learn to weave on a harnessed table loom. Cost is $133 fiber included, and you will leave with at least one finished product: a table runner or scarf.
Weaving 301: Floor Loom Weaving is a three-day class. You will learn to weave on a harnessed floor loom. Cost is $233 fiber included and you will leave with at least one finished product: a table runner or a scarf.
In-person or virtual
All materials included. You may bring your own loom or use one of ours at no additional charge.
You will learn to warp and to weave, completing a sampler scarf or table runner to take home. We are open until 5:30 pm each day, and you are welcome to stay and practice or work on your project.
Please bring a lunch each day. There is a class size minimum of two, and a maximum of 6 participants. Our classes go a degree farther than most, and teach some history of fiber arts, and practical technology. As well as being augmented by hands on learning tools available in the Educational Farm Museum.
Shepherd’s Cross offers weaving and fiber arts classes year-round, on an individual or group basis. Shepherd’s Cross is an accredited Agritourism facility, a Made in Oklahoma Company that processes the only Animal Welfare Approved fiber sold in the U.S. (that is chemical free, hormone free, free range, all natural). Shepherd’s Cross hosts a mini wool mill, processing the wool from their own sheep raised on site.
Heart of the Shepherd is a non-profit organization (501-C3) that operates at the farm and establishes wool mills in remote, impoverished areas around the world. Heart of the Shepherd teaches Biblical references to the harvest, the animals, farming, and gardening.
Shepherd’s Cross and Gift Shop is open Tuesday through Saturday 8:30 – 5:30, year-round (closed some holidays).
Registration is required. You may find information and registration form at: or call 918-342-5911.
Shepherd’s Cross & Heart of the Shepherd
Dr. Diane Dickinson