Ad Details
Ad ID: 8407
Added: November 12, 2024
Location: United States
State: Oklahoma
Views: 275
Website: Christmas at the Farm
December 12, 13, 14, & 19, 20, 21, 2024 Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 10:00 am – 8:00 p.m.
Experience a shepherd’s Christmas at an authentic working farm, nestled inside a cozy Amish-built barn. Step back in time and journey with the shepherds for a peaceful reflection upon the original Christmas night, when Christ was born.
Indoor activities include a living manger scene, with live animals and character portrayals, musical performances, storytelling, “A Shepherd’s Christmas” audio-visual story, angel craft, coloring contest, tabletop games, the educational Farm Museum and Silo, fiber arts demonstrations, and Farm Store.
Outdoor activities include winter yard games, Christmas lights, wagon rides, tours of the Bible Garden, and a sheep flock reminiscent of the first Christmas pastoral scene.
Enjoy a peaceful moment of reflection as this age-old scriptural story springs to life in the Living Nativity.
Final Manger Scene for the evening begins at 7:15.
Plan on spending 1 – 2 hours for this Christmas experience.
Christmas at the Farm will proceed even in the case of inclement weather.
The Farm Store will be open, featuring a host of Made in Oklahoma crafts & gifts. Over 70 artisans provide unique hand-made items. Additionally, the shop features Shepherd’s Cross 100% natural wool and alpaca yarns and products. Farm produced food items are available as well as locally made food items. The store also features hand-made fair-trade products, returning 100% of the proceeds to the indigenous peoples that have made the products. Shepherd’s Cross is a Farmer’s Market Hub store, open year-round.
Winter is walnut and pecan harvest season. Walnuts, pecans, and nutty treats will be available.
As always, this event is donation-based admission. All proceeds benefit missions.
Shepherd’s Special Bundle Deals are as follows:
#1: Basic Nativity Includes all donation-based activities – suggested donation $5.00 per person.
#2: Shepherd’s Journey Package – $9.00 per person – Includes all donation-based activities plus a wagon ride in a sheep meadow & take-home Christmas craft ($4 value).
#3: Shepherd’s Journey & Wreath Package – $25.00 per person – Includes all donation-based activities, wagon ride & DIY take home fresh wreath kit ($20 value).
If you, your family, or small group would like to volunteer as characters in the Manger Scene, musicians, demonstrators, or story tellers, please contact us. Shifts are for two hours, indoors, and involve no lines. Participants experience memorable, peaceful, quality family time. Costumes are provided. Volunteers receive a free wagon ride, a free DIY craft, and one DIY evergreen wreath kit per group. Additional information is found on the website below.
Shepherd’s Cross is an accredited Agritourism facility, a Made in Oklahoma Company, and is Animal Welfare Approved.
Event sponsored by Heart of the Shepherd – a Christian Public Non-profit organization (501-C3) that operates at Shepherd’s Cross.