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Heart of the Shepherd Mission – Mission Presentation – Africa 2023 – Kenya, Gambia & Senegal- Meal & Presentation
@ Shepherd’s Cross
Thursday August 10th at 5:00
• 5:00 pm Meal Begins
o Authentic African Meal: 5:00
 Featuring: Authentic Kenyan, Gambian & Senegalese cuisine
 Beverages are provided
 This is a potluck meal with an Africa menu as the theme
• 5:40 Presentation – featuring highlights of Heart of the Shepherd’s
 Videos, pictures, artifacts and much more to see
 Hear the testimonies of lives changed and assistance given.
• Location: Tour Barn at Shepherd’s Cross – 16792 East 450 Road, Claremore, OK
• Mr. Peter & Dr. Diane Dickinson spent one week training in each nation
o Kenya – worked with widows beginning a wool mill in conjunction with Three Fold Widows Ministry
 We joined Three Fold Widows Ministry Team members in Kenya
o Gambia – Small Ruminant Animal Husbandry training and starter flocks
 Working in conjunction with Servants of the Word
o Senegal – Small Ruminant Animal Husbandry Training
 Working in Conjunction with Beersheba
• Handmade items from the indigenous people groups of these nations will be available for viewing in the museum.
• This is a free event.
o The mission is supported entirely by donations. Donations are welcome, and are tax deductible. Donations will be used to further the gospel in remote villages worldwide.
• Heart of the Shepherd is a Public Christian Non-Profit organization (501-C3) that operates at Shepherd’s Cross. The Mission of Heart of the Shepherd is to transform lives through the sharing of Biblical messages that pertain to agriculture, and to teach agriculturally related life skills to remote people groups, in need, around the world.
o This organization is working with people groups in over twenty nations.
o In addition, Heart of the Shepherd works with local organizations, to make a difference in our community.
• Heart of the Shepherd is operates with volunteers from our local community and beyond. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of those who have so generously given of time and resources to support this mission. We would not be able to serve the multitudes of individuals that we serve both locally and around the world without them.
• Preceding the presentation the following activities are available:
o Tour the educational & interactive Farm Museum.
o Tour the Bible Garden – guided or self-guided tours
o Shepherd’s Shop will be open, featuring a host of handmade items from indigenous people all over the world, as well as farm related handmade items made by Shepherd’s Cross and over 50 local crafters.
 Purchases made in the mission section of the store return 100% of the sale price to the indigenous people that made them. These handmade items come from missions directly supported by Heart of the Shepherd around the world (including Afghanistan, India, Mongolia, Kirgizstan, Germany, Malawi, Thailand, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya)
o Shepherd’s Cross features farm fresh, Animal Welfare Approved, pasture raised, grass fed & finished, free range, chemical free American lamb meat and beef.
o Pet the sheep & see the other farm animals including horses, alpacas, donkeys, chickens, cattle and more.
o Spinning and Wool Mill guided visit
o Open year-round
• Shepherd’s Cross is an accredited Agritourism facility, a Made in Oklahoma Company, and is Animal Welfare Approved.
• Visit our website:
• Find us on Facebook at:
Contact Information:
Shepherd’s Cross & Heart of the Shepherd
16792 East 450 Road, Claremore, OK 74017
Dr. Diane Dickinson, president & Director
The Lord is my Shepherd