Weaving 301 Retreat

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  • Ad ID: 8179

  • Added: February 8, 2022

  • Location: United States

  • State: Oklahoma

  • Views: 1843

  • Dates and hours of operation: March 3, 4, & 5, 2022 8:30am - 3:30pm

  • Website: Floor Loom Weaving



What: Weaving 301 Retreat on a Harness Floor Loom

When: March 3, 4, & 5, 2022 – Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Where: Tour Barn at Shepherd’s Cross – 16792 East 450 Road, Claremore OK.

Learn to weave on a floor loom with harness and foot pedals.
Cost is $233.00 (fiber included).
Participants may bring their own loom or use one of ours at no additional charge.

Participants learn to warp and weave, completing a trivet and a sampler scarf or table runner to take home. We are open until 5:30pm each day, and you are welcome to stay and practice or work on your project.

We provide beverages at two break times each day. Please bring a lunch each day; a microwave is available.

Class size minimum of two, and a maximum of 6 participants. Class time is augmented by hands-on learning tools available in the Educational Farm Museum. The Museum also hosts a collection of fiber arts from around the world.

This retreat is held at Shepherd’s Cross, an authentic working farm, just north of Claremore OK on Scenic Route 66. Shepherd’s Cross hosts a mini wool mill, processing the wool from their flock. Open weekly Tuesday through Saturday; from 8:30 – 5:30.

Shepherd’s Cross is an accredited Agritourism facility, a Made in Oklahoma Company, and is Animal Welfare Approved.
Website: https://shepherdscross.com/index.html
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShepherdsCross
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShepherdsCross
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shepherds_cross/

Heart of the Shepherd is a public Christian non-profit organization; 501C3. The mission of Heart of the Shepherd is to teach about agriculture and its relationship to the Bible, both locally and globally.

Shepherd’s Cross & Heart of the Shepherd
Dr. Diane Dickinson